
a mystic bond

of brotherhood

makes all men one."


Volume Two

March 1954 CONTENTS

Number Three


The Importance of Being Different

Lyn Pedersen

page 4

Take It From Me!

Damon Pythias

page 7

It Can Be Done

Ralph Wells Coulter

page 11

The Mattachine on Cooperation, a letter

page 13

Who Is This Man?

David L. Freeman

page 16



page 19

Cover by

Carl Shaffritz

ONE Magazine is published monthly at twenty-five cents per copy (plus postage for mailing): subscriptions are two-fifty per year, two years for four dollars, one year first class sealed three-fifty, two years first class sealed six dollars in the United States and Canada: all other countries three-fifty per year. Single copies are twenty-seven cents by regular mail, thirty-one for first class. Publication offices: 232 South Hill Street, Los Angeles 12, California. Editorial Staff: Eve Elloree, Ann Carll Reid, Ben Tabor. Contributing Editors: James Barr, Donald Webster Cory, Donald Slater. Business Manager: William Lambert. Not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts unless stamped self-addressed envelope is enclosed. Copyright 1954 by ONE, Inc., Los Angeles, California.